Piggy-backing on yesterdays round up on Cheap(ish) Recipes to make from pantry staples, today we're talking about how to stock the pantry! It's an important part of cooking and it really make everything a bit faster when it comes time to put dinner on the table! Here's what we have when we are fully stocked!! And if I missed anything, shout it out in the comments below!

Pantry Staples
- Pasta (regular pasta, whole wheat, rice, gluten free, pick your fav!)
- Pasta Sauce (I love Rao's)
- Dried Beans
- Canned Beans
- Rice
- Quinoa
- Canned Tomatoes
- Canned Tuna
- Lentils
- Full Fat Coconut Milk
- Enchilada Sauce (Green and Red because why not!)
- Canned Salsa
- Bouillon Cubes / Stock
- Condiments
- Bars - I'm obsessed with those Elemental Bars!
- Oils and Vinegars
- Nut Butters
- Olives
- Seasonings / Spices
- Chocolate
- Jams (Fav is Bonne Maman)
- Popcorn Kernels
- Baking Supplies (Flour, sugar, baking soda, baking powder etc)
- Boxed Mac and Cheese (sometimes we just need the stuff from our childhood days!)
- Sandwich Bread (can easily be stored in the freezer if you get a few bags)
- Tahini (god forbid we ever run out of hummus)
- Tortillas
- Pizza Sauce

- Butter (if you buy in bulk, store some in your freezer and take it out a day before to thaw)
- Eggs
- Cheese (hard cheeses tend to last longer so go for the cheddar, parmesan, pecorinos over the soft cheeses like mozzarella or burrata)

- Sausages / Hot Dogs
- Ground Turkey
- Ground Chicken
- Chicken Breasts
- Ground Beef
- Bacon
- Frozen Shrimp
- Vacuum Packed Salmon

- Pizza Dough
- Frozen Mixed Berries
- Frozen Peaches
- Frozen Bananas (peeled and quartered)
- Frozen Cherries
- Frozen Peas
- Frozen Spinach

- Onions / Shallots
- Garlic
- Sweet potatoes
- Potatoes
- Rock Hard Avocados (as soon as they feel ripe, eat them or store in the fridge for a few days to extend their life)
I store my spices in alphabetical order. The only way I can quickly find them.
There is only 2.25 of you what size fridge is that??? love the drawers in freezer
What canisters food you think are the best for storing your pasta, flour, sugar, beans, etc? So you have a favorite?
no favorite yet - but anything that is glass and airtight is what we'll do when we re-do our kitchen/pantry later this year
How about cereal and bananas?
Yes to both!
can you show us how you store on your counter! thank you for this!! looks like i have some organizing to do today!! be prepared, stay protected!
Gaby, I loved the brunch dished pictured in the latest W-S catalog. I couldn’t find The recipe on the website for the salad (butter lettuce, avocado, peas...) where can I find the recipe?
This list was very helpful. I'm so OCD, I've been to the store 4 times in 3 days. You helped me knock out the last of my pantry staples today. Great list. I got it ALL. Stay safe. Chris
I'm already stocked up on a lot of this stuff - but good article just the same!
Great list! Thankfully I have most of these. What size jars do you use for storing your beans and dried goods?
I wish I knew! I just know they are the wide mouth jars
They appear to be quart size. I used the wide mouth ones for homemade stock. Just have to make sure they aren’t completely full when freezing them.
I use the quart size and that's what they look like. Ball or Kerr
Nice - yummy and gorgeous!
Needed this! Thank you, Gaby.
Gaby- where do you get the elemental bars? I might want to try them!
Whole Foods!
Have most of these. And with how things are now, I could cook for my entire block!
Stay safe everyone.
HI Gaby! I have been looking all over your site today. NEEEEEEED the brand of the beautiful raw beans you have/love. Must.get.some.now.
Rancho Gordo!
Always good to be prepared!