Game time round FOURTEEN!! If you missed out on last months Cooking Club, don’t fear, round 14 is coming in hot today and it's quite possibly the salad of the summer. Read on for more details + a giveaway. (winner for month 13 was Apryl Turley)

The July WGC Cooking Club starts today! If you didn’t participate the last few months – here’s the gist of it. WGC Cooking Club is a fun way to bring everyone together virtually. Here’s how it works:
- Each month, I’ll choose one seasonal What’s Gaby Cooking Recipe! Something delish and easy.
- All you have to do is make the specific recipe anytime during the month, snap a picture of it, and email it to me with the subject line #WGCCookingClub at by 11:59 PM on the last day of the month. For this month, the deadline will be 11:59 PM on July 31st!
- By sending your picture to, you’ll be entered to win a prize. This month we’re giving away some BEAUTIFUL ALL-CLAD! For a bonus entry, post your photo to your instagram feed (must be public for me to find it) and tag @whatsgabycookin in the photo, in the caption and hashtag it with #WGCCookingClub.
- At the end of each month, we will announce a randomly selected winner and share all your photos on social media! You’ll also be able to check them out on instagram for those of you using that as an extra entry.

July Recipe:
With summer in full swing, this Watermelon Peach Salad will rock your world. It's loaded with fresh watermelon, perfectly ripe peaches, cooling cucumbers, salty feta and some fresh mint! It’s so easy to make, requires no cooking, and works alongside any main course. Grilled chicken, steak, burgers... skies the limit! The marinated watermelon is what takes this salad to the next level. If you’ve never marinated your watermelon before, prepare to never look back! It gives it that extra flavor boost and makes it even more delicious!! And if you’re questioning the oregano vinaigrette, get on board. The shallots and garlic with the salt and pepper add the most glorious flavors you could ever imagine! At the end of the day, this is just a fun excuse to get us all cooking together 🙂 because COMMUNITY… my fav part of this beautiful world of What's Gaby Cooking!

I just saw that I won July! How do I respond?