How To Make The Ultimate Cheese Plate

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It's perhaps one of my most favorite things to make: the cheese plate! And today there's FINALLY (after a bajillion requests) a video to show the steps! This isn't just any cheese plate, it's a centerpiece, a conversation starter, a piece of art that you won't actually want to eat because they are so pretty. Oh who am I kidding, it's cheese... we're eating it!

How To Make The Ultimate Cheese Plate from (@whatsgabycookin)


One of my signature moves when entertaining is having a big ass cheese plate to start. (a crudite platter makes an appearance too but you'll have to wait until tomorrow for that one!) It's so easy to make because there's no actual cooking involved, rather you just arrange a bunch of stuff on a platter or board and call it an appetizer.

I’ve been practicing my cheese plate making skills for years and I’ve finally perfected this art form. (round of applause for me, thankyouverymuch) So today, we're going in. Below are some tips for making the most kick ass cheese plate on the face of the earth and a grocery list of everything you'll need to make this one pictures! Literally, jaws will drop when you present this at your party. People will be obsessed. And you’ll have a line of friends wanting to know your secrets.

How To Make The Ultimate Cheese Plate from (@whatsgabycookin)

Things to keep in mind when making a cheese plate:

1. Textures of cheese - bring a variety to the party - mix it up with soft, semi firm and hard/aged cheeses!

2. Same goes for type of cheese .... mix up the type of milk - cow, sheep, goat, maybe even get crazy with a combo of 2!

3. Allow for about 3 ounces of cheese per person. Unless you're inviting me, then allow for 12 ounces per person. I can put cheese down like a boss.

4. Once the cheese is purchased, you've got to up the ante with nuts, fresh fruit, dried fruit, fruit spread, and honey!

5. Castelvetrano olives are mandatory for any cheese platter.

6. Give people a selection of different crackers or breads - mix it up with some sliced crostini, different kinds of crisps, and some traditional flatbread crackers.

7. Let the cheese sit out at room temperature for at least 30 minutes before your guests arrive! This will allow the cheese to be at it’s peak since all the oils will get moving!

8. Display the cheeses in different forms, some can be cut into spears, other wedges, cubes, whole etc! Let you’re guests cut the soft cheese depending on how much they want!

Cheese Plate Shopping List:

  • Sharp Cheddar
  • Wedge of Blue Cheese
  • Cowgirl Creamery Mt Tam Triple Cream
  • Cypress Grove Creamery Humboldt Fog
  • Salami
  • Prosciutto
  • Marcona Almonds
  • Roasted Pistachios
  • Fresh Figs
  • Grapes
  • Candied Walnuts
  • Castelvetrano Olives
  • Breadsticks
  • Rainforest Crisp Crackers and a few other varieties of crackers

How To Make a Cheese Plate

Author: Gaby Dalkin
5 from 1 vote
This isn’t just any cheese plate, it’s a centerpiece, a conversation starter, a piece of art that you won’t actually want to eat because they are so pretty. Oh who am I kidding, it’s cheese… we’re eating it!
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 0 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Course Appetizer
Cuisine Mediterranean
Servings 10 people


  • Sharp Cheddar broken into pieces
  • Wedge of Blue Cheese
  • Cowgirl Creamery Mt Tam Triple Cream
  • Cypress Grove Creamery Humboldt Fog
  • Salami
  • Prosciutto
  • Marcona Almonds
  • Roasted Pistachios
  • Fresh Figs
  • Grapes
  • Candied Walnuts
  • Castelvetrano Olives
  • Breadsticks
  • Rainforest Crisp Crackers and a few other varieties of crackers


  • Arrange everything in piles on a large board of platter. Keeping things in organized chaotic piles keeps things looking gorgeous and instagram worthy (and let's be honest, that's what life is all about!)


Nutrition will vary based on what good you serve and the number of guests.
Tried this Recipe? Tag me Today!Mention @WhatsGabyCookin or tag #whatsgabycooking!


  1. SO beautiful! This looks like the ultimate cheese plate for weekend entertaining!

  2. hi gabby, your photos are beautiful. i am wondering if i may use one for a small newsletter publication in ann arbor michigan?

  3. Love this post sooo much!! I was just wondering where you buy your flatbread crackers (the ones with the jagged edges). They are really pretty and are a nice complement to everything else on the plate!

    Thanks! 🙂

5 from 1 vote (1 rating without comment)

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