GAME TIME! This months cookbook club is ready to roll and there's a MASSIVE giveaway attached! Coming in hot... it's month 13 with yours truly... What's Gaby Cooking, Everyday California Food!
Here’s the deal if you’re new to cookbook club… each month I announce the cookbook of the month and then we can buy it, borrow it, check it out from the library and cook! Cook by yourself, invite your friends over, host your own cookbook club with the assigned book, whatever floats your boat. The idea is for us all to cook recipes from the same book in the same month. Pick one or two or three recipes. Whatever you can manage! THEN… for one of my Instagram Live posts we’ll cook a recipe from the cookbook together and you guys can tune in, share your own pics from the recipes you’ve made, share your friends photos, you name it!!
We can talk in real time about the cookbooks, what we loved about certain recipes, what you have questions about, what worked…. the whole nine yards. And then we do it all over again next month. Fun, right? We get to virtually eat our way through a different cookbook every single month. I’m so jazzed about this idea and I hope you will be too. So let’s get round 13 rolling!
This book is my 2nd cookbook and it's basically my California manifesto! Everything is bright and vibrant, there's balance between healthy and indulgent treats and there's literally something for everyone! Here's a sneak peek of what's in the book!
Let's start with dessert shall we - Strawberry White Chocolate Cheesecake Bars
K-Town BBQ Ribs with Homemade Pickles
Omi's Green Bean Salad which, believe it or not, will change your life
Chicken Larb Bowl with Coconut Rice!! It's EVERYTHING

Chocolate Chip Cinnamon Roll Monkey Bread. Enough said.

Rainbow Spring Rolls!
OMG AND THERE IS SO MUCH MORE!! If you want to join the secret What's Gaby Cooking Facebook group, come hang! Everyone is sharing recipes and all their favorites!
Here’s the link to the book on Amazon – What's Gaby Cooking, Everyday California Food or Williams Sonoma if you want to have it delivered or go grab it from your local bookstore or Barnes and Noble or library! There's a massive giveaway attached too - here are the details! I'm giving away an entire What's Gaby Cooking starter kitchen to one lucky winner. Literally it's every single thing I use on a daily basis and can't live without. We've got... a Vitamix blender, a 5 piece set of Le Creuset enamel cookware and 2 non-stick fry pans, my favorite Global knife set, that All-Clad Dutch Oven that I love, a KitchenAid stand mixer, my favorite Williams Sonoma baking sheets, my new line of seasonings and salsas, AND a giant tub of Maldon sea salt. Over $2500 of kitchen swag!
1. Make sure you’re following @whatsgabycookin on instagram
2. Grab a copy of my new cookbook at your nearest bookstore or online
3. Make ANY recipe from my new cookbook and take a picture of it. Post it on instagram and tag me in the comments AND the photo - that counts as 1 entry. If you include the cover of the book in the photo, it counts as 2 entries. You can enter as many times as you want, each recipe is a different entry! Your profile needs to be public so I can see it!
4. use the hashtag #wgccookbook so I can keep track.
Contest is open from now until June 1st (which is coincidentally my birthday) and we'll pick a winner that day!
PS – here’s cookbook club month 1 in case you’re interested! And month 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
Gaby, we have been LOVING your cookbook. We make at least 3 recipes a week from it. My fav so far is the chicken bowl! For Mother's Day brunch, I am making the tomato tart, I hope mine turns out like yours does!
Strawberry White Chocolate Cheesecake Bars- say whaaat
Diving headlong into this one!!!
I have been wanting to order your cookbook and this post got me! So excited to win your kitchen favorites! You have so many recipes that have inspired me to try new ingredients, I love eating flavorful foods that are good for me too (exceptions being the cream cheese choc chip brownies and the cinnamon pull apart bread with the mini choc chips) I am excited to cook with you!
We cook from this new cookbook about 3x a week. I LOVE everything!!! Cannot get enough. Buying it for Mothers Days for EVERYONE.