I’m knee deep in butter and sugar. There are brownies to be made, cookies to be decorated and cheesecake bars to send out /drop off for Valentine’s Day gifts for friends. So 16 Desserts for Valentine's Day...here we go…..

Chocolate Cinnamon Sugar Pull Apart Bread
S'more Pudding Pie
Caramel Brownies
Chocolate Peanut Butter Swirl Tart
Salted Chocolate Tart with Kettle Chip Crust
Slutty Brownies
Crinkle Top Brownie Bites
S'more Butterscotch Caramel Dump Cake

Homemade Pizzokie

The Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie
Molten Chocolate Truffle Cakes
Cheesecake Cookie Bars

Mini Mason Jar Strawberry Cheesecakes
Cheesecake Brownies
Chocolate Brownie Pudding
Giant M&M Cookies

I would take any two...or three....or more
You're blowing my mind here. I don't even know where to start. And sweets are my specialty! I think I'll just have the kiddos pick a number between 1 and 16 and go from there. Unless you have a favorite?
that's like asking me to pick my favorite child!! I love them all 🙂
Yes please! I will take one of everything!
Oh Gaby!! I decided to start eating healthier and moderating my sugar intake - i'm getting old arthritic joints and it seems to help. But that cinnamon chocolate pull apart bread is calling my name!!! So are the knock-you-naked brownies (love the name btw...) and the cheesecake brownies!!
I'm all about the chocolate! Wowza... love them!
Woweeee! These are all fabulous girl! xo
I've always wanted to try your chocolate tart with potato chip crust. Mmmmmm! Sweet and salty is the best!
Hang on a minute - I am having trouble picking my jaw up off of the floor!! I will allow myself to pick three of these - oh but which three? They all look AMAZING!
Oh you can send me ALL of these. I won't complain one bit. What a great round-up. Seriously drooling over here!
Gotta wipe the drool off my face too. Can you imagine if my wife made some of these and I brought them in for my co-workers? I'd be a hero. On second thought, wife is super busy chasing our young kids around, I think I'll ask my mom to make these for me. Don't worry, she won't mind. And after all, I'm a mama's boy.